
Showing posts with label Piers Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piers Morgan. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 June 2016

More of Piers Morgan's article about Kanye West's new video

See also: "Your Famous video is a shockingly tacky, hideously distasteful, darkly sinister porn movie,"- Piers Morgan slams Kanye West

As with her pathetic topless bird-flipping selfies, this video actually serves the complete opposite purpose, portraying women as vulnerable pieces of meat for the delectation of the slathering public.
Lena Dunham summed it up perfectly by saying:
‘I don’t have a hip cool reaction, because seeing a woman I love like Taylor Swift (f**k that one hurt to look at, I couldn’t look), a woman I admire like Rihanna or Anna [Wintour], reduced to a pair of waxy breasts made by some special effects guy in the Valley, it makes me feel sad and unsafe and worried for the teenage girls who watch this and may not understand that grainy roving camera as the stuff of snuff films.'
Kanye West has been desperately begging on Twitter, ‘Can someone sue me already?’ Yes, they can and I hope they will.
Starting with Taylor Swift.
That might finally make him and his smirking sidekick wife grow up and put some basic common decency before their increasingly ravenous desire for fame and cash.
Source: Daily Mail

Monday 6 June 2016

Piers Morgan throws jabs at John Legend's wife over his Mohammed Ali article

Well it looks like Piers Morgan isn't done with Mohammed Ali yet and he certainly not done with John Legend's family. I bet baby Luna is next!
He shared a link to an article about the legendary boxer on twitter and when John Legend's wife Chrissy Teigen commented on it he threw jabs at her. See tweets below:

John Legend gives cheeky reply to Piers Morgan's comments about Mohammed Ali

British television host Piers Morgan is known for being very critical of celebrities. He has criticized Kim Khardashian, Beyonce and recently Johnny Depp. His latest criticism is of how people are making the late Mohammed Ali seem like a saint saying that he was more of a racist that Donald Trump. Read his tweet below:

after which he followed with "I hope people don't make me sound too perfect when I die. No coats of sugar please".

Grammy-Award winning singer John Legend who isn't usually associated with social media brawl but had seemingly had enough of the tv personality's constant criticism also tweeted:

"You could test us by announcing your retirement."